Mastodon Nachhilfe English, Sales, Public, Speaking, Communication 6000 Cebu City, I competed as a speaker and debater in interschool competitions in college. As for written English, , Cebu City Public, Public Nachhilfe in Cebu City : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Public Cebu City

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Nachhilfe in Cebu City

Nachhilfe Public Professional

ID 23170
aus 6000 Cebu City
English, Sales, Public, Speaking, Communication
I competed as a speaker and debater in interschool competitions in college. As for written English, I worked as a staffwriter and was later promoted to the positions of Editor-In-Chief and Managing Editor of our College Campus Newspaper. I have worked part-time as a Disk Jock too. :-) My present job entails training and coaching people with their sales skills on a one-on-one basis using English as a medium of instruction.
To say the least, yeah, I am quite a patient tutor. I have been working for close to two years as a Sales Coach and I have extensive background in communication. I love meeting people and going out with them. I'm generally someone very easy to get along with and has an active lifestyle. One of the best things that ever happened to me was my stint as a barista in Starbucks wherein I made a lot of friends and I met people from different cultures and got to learn a few phrases from their language. Pretty cool, huh? You may communicate with me at anytime, I would love to be your tutor! :-)
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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