Mastodon Nachhilfe urdu and gujrati language, urdu, gujrati b57nw Birmingham, bachlor in commerece, diploma in IT, Birmingham Urdu, Urdu Nachhilfe in Birmingham : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Urdu Birmingham

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 44816 Birmingham in Ohio | 48009 Birmingham in Michigan | 48012 Birmingham in Michigan | 35235 Birmingham in Alabama | 35215 Birmingham in Alabama | 35210 Birmingham in Alabama | 35206 Birmingham in Alabama | 35217 Birmingham in Alabama | 35212 Birmingham in Alabama | 35207 Birmingham in Alabama | 35223 Birmingham in Alabama | 35222 Birmingham in Alabama | 35213 Birmingham in Alabama | 35234 Birmingham in Alabama | 35201 Birmingham in Alabama | 35202 Birmingham in Alabama | 35237 Birmingham in Alabama | 35246 Birmingham in Alabama | 35249 Birmingham in Alabama | 35283 Birmingham in Alabama
Suche: Urdu in Birmingham  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Birmingham

Nachhilfe Urdu A levels

ID 16468
aus b57nw Birmingham
urdu and gujrati language, urdu, gujrati
bachlor in commerece, diploma in IT
A levels
I have good expereice of teaching Urdu and gujrati languages in India,Oman(muscat),UK(Leicester, peterborough,birmingham) since 2002(7 years),teaching is my hobby also,,to be very honest i want to introduce Urdu and gujrati languages to our young generation for whom their parents and grand parents first language is either Urdu or gujrati,,however infortunately this generation doesnt practice it to communicate in this language,,,this is my aim to make communication easy with parents,elders and grand parents,when they visit their home country,,,once i undertake responsibility, m devoted to my work sincerely and honestly.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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