Mastodon Nachhilfe English 8001 Zurich, CELTA Cambridge grade B, Zurich : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Zurich

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 59547 Zurich in Montana | 8751 Zurich in Friesland | 8010 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8012 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8048 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8047 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8064 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8055 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8049 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8045 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8041 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8046 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8003 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8004 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8005 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8037 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8081 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8092 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8093 Zurich in Kanton Zürich | 8099 Zurich in Kanton Zürich
Suche: Zurich  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Zurich

Nachhilfe in English

ID 38586
aus 8001 Zurich
CELTA Cambridge grade B
Intermediate to Advanced
Do you live in the countryside or in a village?rnHave you encountered difficulties finding a native teacher?rnYou don't have time to travel to a class? English classes through skype are the solution! ! Nowadays with technology you can do the same online as you can in person, live conversation with video cameras, exchange documents and links, send exercises etc.. rnMy name is Chris . I'm an experienced English teacher currently based in Valencia, Spain, but I have students in other cities and countries thanks to being able to conduct classes online. I am fully experienced in helping people pass the Cambridge exams, or maybe you just want to increase your level, gain confidence in conversation, and improve your pronunciation. Whatever your needs I can help! Classes cost 20 Euros per hour. There is a free 20 minute trial class available so you can see how the classes work. Testimonials to follow shortly! Please contact me with any questions:... *err*
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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*unverbindliche Erfahrungswerte
Viel Erfolg!

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