Mastodon Nachhilfe physics, mathematics, math, french N1 London, French student in engineering and math at the university (3nd year), i went through the 'prep school, London : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe London

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Suche: London  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe London

Nachhilfe in physics, mathematics, math, french

ID 9072
aus N1 London
physics, mathematics, math, french
French student in engineering and math at the university (3nd year), i went through the 'prep schools' which is the best you can find in France after high school and allows you to go in 'les grandes écoles d'ingénieurs '
all that exists before university, Secondary school, high school
Math's my life. I give some good vibe about it that you must understand at some point. Physics is no big deal either. As i am not an adult i can make the student easy and help them comprehend, or go farther in the reasons why it is as it is :). Let's say, i'll make it a crystal-clear funny lesson. Note that i am a native French student and plan to go in London in the summer break , hence there is no address yet. As it is, i can also practice french with your children.
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