Mastodon Nachhilfe Music, Cello, Piano, Theory LS15 Leeds, University of Cape Town, South Africa: B Mus (Hons) - Music Performance + University of Stellenbosc, Leeds : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Leeds

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Suche: Leeds  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Leeds

Nachhilfe in Music, Cello, Piano, Theory

ID 11218
aus LS15 Leeds
Music, Cello, Piano, Theory
University of Cape Town, South Africa: B Mus (Hons) - Music Performance + University of Stellenbosch, South Africa: Licentiate of Music Performance - Cello & Piano
Beginner - advanced (grades 1 - 8)
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Finding the right music teacher can be a difficult and frustrating process. There are many points to consider: the teacher's experience, approach and character to name but a few. For beginners, there is the question of finding the right instrument and whether to buy or hire until the student has decided to make a long term commitment to lessons. For mature beginners there is the question of whether previous musical education is necessary to get the most out of lessons. For more advanced students there is the important consideration of technical and musical development - especially for those considering a career in music. You'll want to put your mind at rest on as many of these matters as possible before making a decision to commit to lessons. I offer a free consultation to anyone wishing to take lessons. This gives you the opportunity to discuss your requirements and aspirations in detail, and includes a 30 minute lesson. For those in need of an instrument, I will help you to find the right one to hire or buy. I am a skilled cellist with 20 years' playing and over 10 years' teaching experience. My career has always been balanced between teaching and performing/ recording, giving me a great deal of practical experience to pass on to my students. In addition to this, I place strong emphasis on posture and balance with a view to eliminating Tension and RSI issues.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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