Mastodon Nachhilfe Combined Science, Chemistry, Mathematics M1 7A Manchester, Masters of Chemistry Bachelors of Chemistry(Honors) Bachelor of Education, Manchester Chemistry, Chemistry Nachhilfe in Manchester : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Chemistry Manchester

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 45144 Manchester in Ohio | 48158 Manchester in Michigan | 40962 Manchester in Kentucky | 37349 Manchester in Tennessee | 37355 Manchester in Tennessee | 21102 Manchester in Maryland | 17345 Manchester in Pennsylvania | 14504 Manchester in New York | 31816 Manchester in Georgia | 62663 Manchester in Illinois | 52057 Manchester in Iowa | 05254 Manchester in Vermont | 06042 Manchester in Connecticut | 06040 Manchester in Connecticut | 06041 Manchester in Connecticut | 06045 Manchester in Connecticut | 03102 Manchester in New Hampshire | 03101 Manchester in New Hampshire | 03103 Manchester in New Hampshire | 03105 Manchester in New Hampshire
Suche: Chemistry in Manchester  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Manchester

Nachhilfe Chemistry A Level

ID 21337
aus M1 7A Manchester
Combined Science, Chemistry, Mathematics
Masters of Chemistry Bachelors of Chemistry(Honors) Bachelor of Education
A Level
I am a well qualified and experienced person. I have completed my Masters from a well known University. I am a hardworking individual who enjoys challenges. I am reliable, punctual and a fast learner who uses my initiative to ensure maximum results can be achieved. I'm flexible and will adapt to suit the needs of those around me. I have energy, patience, confidence and welcome the opportunity to take responsibility. I have experience of a professionally trained teacher with a sound backing in Science (especially Chemistry) and Mathematics.I have taught in various schools as a head teacher and also taught as a private tutor. I have creativity to devise interesting lessons for explaining the difficult topics. I always try to solve the problems of students with my best efforts.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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