Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Theory of Computations, Compiler Design, Data Structures, Program 2010 Houghton, M.E (Comp. Sc & Engg) B.E (Comp. Sc & Engg), Houghton Pascal, Pascal Nachhilfe in Houghton : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Pascal Houghton

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 14744 Houghton in New York | 52631 Houghton in Iowa | 49931 Houghton in Michigan | 57449 Houghton in South Dakota | SA73 Houghton in Wales | TQ7 Houghton in England | CA3 Houghton in England | SO20 Houghton in England | BN18 Houghton in England | 5131 Houghton in South Australia
Suche: Pascal in Houghton  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Houghton

Nachhilfe Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Theor... High-Schools and College level

ID 22208
aus 2010 Houghton
Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Theory of Computations, Compiler Design, Data Structures, Programming Languages, Software Engineering, Software Quality Management, all other Computer Science subjects
M.E (Comp. Sc & Engg) B.E (Comp. Sc & Engg)
High-Schools and College level
Hi, I am "Sitharthan *T* ", graduated in M.E (CSE) from India, holds both graduation and post-graduation in Computer Science and Engineering. At present deputed as IT professional in Johannesburg, South Africa. My Profile carrying a year of experience in teaching as lecturer added with six years of experience in software development, Process and Support works. My specialized area in mentoring covers “Discreet Mathematics, Theory of Computations, Compiler Design, Data Structures, Programming Languages (Pascal, COBOL, JCL, REXX, C and C++), Database Concepts (IBM DB2 UDB -700 certified professional), Software Engineering, Software Quality Management and all other computer science subjects". Feel free make a call for tutoring/mentoring/lecturing needs in specified subjects listed in high-school/college curriculum. Thanks Sitharthan
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