Mastodon Nachhilfe english, reading, math 1200 Makati, I am a professional with a degree in Electronics & Communications. I currently hold a position as a, Makati Business, Business Nachhilfe in Makati : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Business Makati

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Nachhilfe in Makati

Nachhilfe english, reading, math Primary & secondary levels

ID 27804
aus 1200 Makati
english, reading, math
I am a professional with a degree in Electronics & Communications. I currently hold a position as a Marketing & Sales Officer of Mabuhay Satellite Corporation.
Primary & secondary levels
Though an engineer by profession, I have interest and aptitude in the English language that I can share with anyone. I am fond of books, fictional and I also dabble with poetry once in a while. My vocabulary is not as advanced as those of renowned broadsheet columnists, but I do have Merriam-Webster as a good resource. I am currently helping 2 middle-aged ladies in the basics of English. Their background is elementary English. The goal is to make them comfortable with basic conversational English and minimize grammatical errors. I can adapt to lessons given by schools to the students and complement these lessons with my own knowledge.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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