Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics, Economics, Business Studies, Philosophy, Politics, French, Spanish, Italian SW6 2DR, MSc in Finance, BA(Hons) in Economics, 2DR Philosophy, Philosophy Nachhilfe in 2DR : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Philosophy 2DR

Suche: Philosophy in 2DR  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in 2DR

Nachhilfe Philosophy GCSE, AS and A level, Undergraduate, Postgraduate

ID 31548
aus SW6 2DR
Mathematics, Economics, Business Studies, Philosophy, Politics, French, Spanish, Italian
MSc in Finance, BA(Hons) in Economics
GCSE, AS and A level, Undergraduate, Postgraduate
Hi, I am an experienced tutor (at GCSE, A-level and university level), looking to provide tuition on a daily, weekly or weekend basis, either on a come-go basis or residential, equally experienced with either. Will provide tailored tuition at a much lower price than private tutoring agencies; revision notes, and all printing and marking included in my hourly rate. A results guaranteed. I reside in London, but I will travel to student (can provide CRB check) even 25 miles outside of London. Available now (but my availability does run out quickly). I look forward to your email specifying tuition sought, following to which I will arrange a prompt appointment and will reserve time for as long a tutoring commitment you are looking for. Kind regards.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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