Mastodon Nachhilfe Art, Comic Book workshop, English, Math 90034 Los Angeles, BA Hons in Animation AA in Visual Communications, Los Angeles Fine, Fine Nachhilfe in Los Angeles : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Fine Los Angeles

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Suche: Fine in Los Angeles  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Los Angeles

Nachhilfe Art, Comic Book workshop, English, Math Grades 4, 3,2 & 1

ID 16640
aus 90034 Los Angeles
Art, Comic Book workshop, English, Math
BA Hons in Animation AA in Visual Communications
Grades 4, 3,2 & 1
I believe that learning should be fun, despite the seriousness of it. As an Artist I can relate to children's need of creativity, stimulation and inspiration;by being aware of this I can adapt this as strategies used to teach children and to gain not only their attention but also trust. I am also a children’s writer and film Animator. My latest film, which deals with cultural diversity and tolerance has been shown to school children in both Britain and the United States . This film has been the basis of classroom forums. Other previous experience includes art therapy for adults with special needs.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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