Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry 2157 Johannesburg, Matric +, Johannesburg Geography, Geography Nachhilfe in Johannesburg : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Geography Johannesburg

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 49751 Johannesburg in Michigan | 93528 Johannesburg in California | 2198 Johannesburg in | 2196 Johannesburg in | 2193 Johannesburg in | 2076 Johannesburg in | 2116 Johannesburg in | 2041 Johannesburg in | 2054 Johannesburg in | 2055 Johannesburg in | 2058 Johannesburg in | 2059 Johannesburg in | 2060 Johannesburg in | 2061 Johannesburg in | 2062 Johannesburg in | 2063 Johannesburg in | 2064 Johannesburg in | 2065 Johannesburg in | 2070 Johannesburg in | 2074 Johannesburg in
Suche: Geography in Johannesburg  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Johannesburg

Nachhilfe Geography Matriculated 2009 from St Marys Waverly, An A agregate, Currently studying a BSC at wits unversity

ID 32755
aus 2157 Johannesburg
Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry
Matric +
Matriculated 2009 from St Marys Waverly, An A agregate, Currently studying a BSC at wits unversity
I am a recent matriculant that has been exposed to the new ciriculum. I am hard working and patient and have learnt many different styles of not only teaching but study techniques to. I have peformed well academically and am currently studying a BSC in genetics at wits university. I am very professional with an easy going nature.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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