Mastodon Nachhilfe English, French, Latin, Anthropology, Biology, Math, Ancient Classics, History eh68ef Edinburgh, I am currently doing my PhD in English Literature at the University of Edinburgh. I obtained my MA i, Edinburgh Math, Math Nachhilfe in Edinburgh : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Math Edinburgh

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 46124 Edinburgh in Indiana | EH12 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH4 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH11 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH5 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH1 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH2 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH3 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH6 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH7 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH9 Edinburgh in Scotland | EH8 Edinburgh in Scotland | 5111 Edinburgh in South Australia
Suche: Math in Edinburgh  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Edinburgh

Nachhilfe Math Primary level- University level, as well as adult learning

ID 32105
aus eh68ef Edinburgh
English, French, Latin, Anthropology, Biology, Math, Ancient Classics, History
I am currently doing my PhD in English Literature at the University of Edinburgh. I obtained my MA in English literature at the University of Toronto, and my BA in English literature and Anthropology at Trent University. I have always maintained an A average. I have previously tutored first year university students studying English literature. I have also tutored students with French, history and science. I also worked as an English instructor at Gen academy in Toronto, Canada. I taught ESL (English as
Primary level- University level, as well as adult learning
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I try to base my lesson plans around the individual student and their learning needs. I usually ask them to bring a piece of work to our first meeting, and I assess what they need to work on in that course and base my lessons according to my findings. I like to have good communication between myself and my student(s). I also like to use many resources (visual aids, books, journal article, games, etc.) in my tutorials.
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